Flint Hills
Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve My dad grew up near this prairie in Kansas. Seeing prairies disappear worldwide was one of the reasons he started the Prairie Garden Trust (PGT).
Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve My dad grew up near this prairie in Kansas. Seeing prairies disappear worldwide was one of the reasons he started the Prairie Garden Trust (PGT).
American Sycamore, Platanus occidentalis Walked the bluffs above Hillers Creek this morning. The white bark of the Sycamores was striking. These are the biggest trees at PGT. Check them out … Continued
Great Horned Owl, Bubo virginianus Heard two Great Horned Owls hooting in the valley by our house this morning. Wonder if they’re a nesting pair?
American Holly (Ilex opaca) is a stunning native shrub—simple, classic, and always in season.
Gray Squirrels, Sciurus carolinensis Nuts have been plentiful this year, keeping squirrels busy with acorns and hickory nuts. At PGT, we’ve got Gray Squirrels, Fox Squirrels, and nocturnal Flying Squirrels. … Continued
Bald Eagle It’s cold out, but with clear skies and no wind, it’s a great day for a walk. Spotted a Bald Eagle perched by the edge of Potter’s Lake. … Continued
Virgin Tiger Moth, Apantesis virgo I found this strikingly beautiful moth in the prairie in the summer.
Lichen Moss Landscape Sometimes you can find a miniature landscape if you’re willing to get down on your hands and knees. This is on the north side of The Point; … Continued
Northern Flicker, Colaptes auratus Yesterday, Lorna watched a flock of birds feasting on the dogwood berries outside her office – bluebirds, bluejays, sapsuckers, yellow-rumped warblers, and even a couple of … Continued
Eastern Comma Butterfly, Polygonia comma There aren’t many butterflies around this time of year, but yesterday I found one sunning itself on a tree trunk.